Faculty of Economics, Quantitative finance and actuarial science
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Probability and statistics >> Homework

Homework assignments are part of the grade in this course. You have to turn them in to get a grade. The numbering of problems is from the 3rd edition of the book by John Rice. You do not need to edit the solutions. Please turn in your homework stapled with the cover page below. The cover page for the first homework assignment is here, and for the second here.

  • Assignment 1
    • 1.74, 1.79
    • 2.39, 2.58
    • 3.21, 3.66
    • 4.9, 4.52
    • 5.3, 5.25, 5.30
  • Assignment 2
    • 7.28, 7.54
    • 8.2,8.19, 8.47
    • 9.13, 9.32, 9.33
    • 14.6, 14.17, 14.27